It’s another day, another adventure. After waving goodbye to London, our travel pro, Astronautalis, fled to the shores of Brighton. Yes, it was a sad goodbye, but by hopping on a train and jetting one hour south of London, you can view the countryside before smelling the saltwater in dun, dun, dun, Brighton.
At Brighton Pier, Astronautalis hit a few folks on the bumper cars, flexed his throwing arm at some carnival games, did the Texan thang and tried some bull riding, even braved the chilly temps on a water ride. Of course, all that fun warrants some downtime to eat. Check out The Palm Court Restaurant and try the mushy peas – there is apparently nothing like them in America.
Astronautalis then did a bit of shopping at The Lanes, an area of Brighton full of shops, restaurants and a hidden Banksy. Brighton, known for its major Mod scene since the mid-60s, so you can score some of the stylish threads in this city.
Our adventure ended with a game of beach volleyball at Yellowave Beach Volleyball. Perfect your serve and then jump in the water. But, let us stop yapping, watch Astronautalis get his volleyball on and show you the best of Brighton.
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